Meeting the Demand for Personalized Care

THE CONCEPT OF healthcare consumerism is not new, but it has definitely evolved. As healthcare costs continue to rise, patients are looking for healthcare experiences that mirror those they have in other service sectors, with an increasing expectation that interactions with providers and payers be as frictionless as those in the hospitality, airline or e-commerce […]
Understanding Drugs and Money in 2025

SPECIALTY MEDICATIONS have dramatically improved the lives of so many both in terms of quality and longevity. They’re an integral part of the first approach to treatment in an ever-increasing number of disease states. However, the cost of the ever-expanding portfolio of these products has ballooned to an astronomical number. Many years ago, the approval […]
Managing Care from Afar: The Challenges and Solutions of Long-Distance Health Management

MANAGING care from a distance has become an increasingly common challenge for families in the United States. As of the 2020 United States Census, 55.8 million people are age 65 or older — that’s 16.8 percent of the population — and many of them are choosing to “age in place,” or grow old in their […]
Hospital at Home: The Future of Care?

HOUSE CALLS were the norm not 100 years ago. When someone got sick, doctors provided dependable, personalized care in the comfort of patients’ own homes, and it cultivated a system of two-way trust. Patients knew their doctors, and doctors knew their patients. It wasn’t about meeting quotas or hedging lawsuits. Doctors treated their patients as […]
Improving Care and Service by Capturing Patients’ Voices

COUNTLESS PAPERS have touted the importance of returning to a patient first care approach that prioritizes effectiveness, efficiency and value-based care. But, what does having a patient-centered care approach mean when viewed through the lens of an industry beholden to data-driven metrics and often-hindered siloed processes and technologies? Patient-centered care is a patient-first focus. It […]
Going Green in Healthcare

Here’s how healthcare can put the industry mandate to “first, do not harm” into practice by implementing cleaner, more sustainable practices.
Promoting Health Equity

Better health for all is on the horizon thanks to those who are implementing new strategies
to improve care.
Payment for Medications: It’s an Exacting Team Sport!

Getting paid for drugs demands a robust chain of events linking product procurement, its use within both the clinical framework and payer requirements, and the revenue cycle function of charging, billing and subsequent reimbursement.
Mitigating AI Risks for Consumer Health Misinformation

While agencies race to put in place regulations for using artificial intelligence to reduce the spread of health misinformation, healthcare providers can help to correct this by engaging with their patients.
Improving Patient Safety in the Primary Care Setting

First, do no harm. Next, create systems that help prevent harm before it happens.