FDA Observes Serious Liver Injury After Treatment with Ocaliva

FDA identified cases of serious liver injury among patients being treated for primary biliary cholangitis with Ocaliva who did not have cirrhosis of the liver.
The Opioid Crisis: Fentanyl and the Safety of Prescription Drugs

Fast, easy, inexpensive — and deadly? With potentially lethal counterfeit drugs flooding the online marketplace, consumers must use extreme caution when purchasing controlled substances over the Internet.
Opioids, Recalls and Medical Error at the Forefront of Patient Safety

Today, the most pressing patient safety issues are the urgency of address the proliferation of both prescription and illicit drugs, the ability of the U.S. Food and Drug Administration to monitor the safety of prescription medicines after they enter the market and the need to accurately track the number of deaths caused by medical mistakes.
Fact or Fiction: Debunking the Myths Surrounding IG Therapy Improves Patient Outcomes

Experts set the record straight about common misunderstandings regarding IVIG and SCIG products, their administration and possible reactions.
Importing Drugs: Is It Safe and Responsible?

As Americans continue to grapple with the skyrocketing costs of prescription drugs, many are turning to other countries to access medications they need at prices they can afford.
The Challenge of Cold Chain Logistics

While some of the guidelines for the transportation, handling, storage and delivery of temperaturesensitive medications are basic and vague, advances in technology help to ensure these drugs are
safe and effective when they reach their site of administration.
Short-Dated Products: Reducing Unsalable Returns and Supply Chain Waste

The glut of soon-to-expire products within the pharmaceutical supply chain is a costly problem impacting multiple stakeholders, but smart technology and innovative inventory management systems offer cost-saving solutions.