Improving Care and Service by Capturing Patients’ Voices

COUNTLESS PAPERS have touted the importance of returning to a patient first care approach that prioritizes effectiveness, efficiency and value-based care. But, what does having a patient-centered care approach mean when viewed through the lens of an industry beholden to data-driven metrics and often-hindered siloed processes and technologies? Patient-centered care is a patient-first focus. It […]
Going Green in Healthcare

Here’s how healthcare can put the industry mandate to “first, do not harm” into practice by implementing cleaner, more sustainable practices.
Promoting Health Equity

Better health for all is on the horizon thanks to those who are implementing new strategies
to improve care.
Is Hybrid Care the Future?

In the post-pandemic healthcare setting, combining the best of telehealth and in-person visits increases productivity, revenue and employee morale.
Pros and Cons of Healthcare Consolidation

Do mergers help or hurt the healing industry?
Utilizing Virtual Services and Workforces

Technology is moving fast, increasing business opportunities and efficiencies by enabling hybrid work environments and outsourcing virtual workforces.
Reducing Healthcare Costs for Patients

The ever-rising expense of healthcare is not only a patient’s concern — it’s also the healthcare system’s responsibility to lower costs.
Expanding the Use of Telehealth and Virtual Care

Healthcare industry stakeholders are working to make telehealth and virtual care permanent delivery systems.
How to Rectify the Growing Nursing Shortage

Nursing shortages in the United States are not new, but the COVID-19 pandemic exacerbated the problem when it put an unprecedented strain on the healthcare system at large – and nurses in particular.
Addressing the Healthcare Diversity Gap

Diversity, equity and inclusion have been a recent focus for businesses and organizations across the world, but perhaps none stand to make a greater impact than the healthcare industry, where it directly affects individual health outcomes and quality of life.