Pharmaceutical Market Withdrawals and Recalls: Expect the Unexpected

From minor violations to major safety concerns, sometimes medicines must be removed from the marketplace. Here’s the lowdown on how it’s handled.
Improving Patient Adherence Through Smart Packaging

Innovative drug packaging offers solutions to help patients who are struggling to take the right medication at the right time.
The Current Challenge of Immune Globulin Access

Understanding the factors contributing to the current shortage of immune globulin could help to address a crisis that threatens dire consequences for patients.
In Case of a Shortage: Strategies to Conserve the Immune Globulin Supply

What can be done in the event of a severe shortage of IG products, whose production is entirely reliant on a continuous supply of IgG-rich plasma donated at more than 800 dedicated U.S. collection facilities?
The Challenge of Cold Chain Logistics

While some of the guidelines for the transportation, handling, storage and delivery of temperaturesensitive medications are basic and vague, advances in technology help to ensure these drugs are
safe and effective when they reach their site of administration.
Short-Dated Products: Reducing Unsalable Returns and Supply Chain Waste

The glut of soon-to-expire products within the pharmaceutical supply chain is a costly problem impacting multiple stakeholders, but smart technology and innovative inventory management systems offer cost-saving solutions.